Map and contacts

Address: Klášter kapucínů, Loretánské náměstí 6a, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czech Republic


Tel.: +420 222 765 448

How to find us

From the Railway Station

By tram No. 9 (direction sídliště Řepy) to the stop Národní třída, from there by tram No. 22 or 23 (direction Vypich or Bílá hora) to the stop Pohořelec.

Or by Undergroud Tube (Metro) line C (direction Háje) to the station I. P. Pavlova, from there by tram No. 22 or 23 (direction Vypich or Bílá hora) to the stop Pohořelec.


From Florenc (Bus Station)

By Underground Tube (Metro) line B (direction Zličín) to the station Národní třída, from there by tram No. 22 (didrection Vypich or Bílá hora) to the stop Pohořelec.

By car

It is allowed to drive in the vicinity of the convent without special permission.

From the Prague Airport

By bus No. 119 to the stop Nádraží Veleslavín, from there by Underground to the station Malostranská (direction Depo Hostivař), and from there by tram No. 22 or 23 (direction Vypich or Bílá hora) to the stop Pohořelec.

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